UK Innovator Visa Business Plan, Business Idea Suggestions, Endorsement and Requirements

Are You an Experienced Entrepreneur Who Intends to Migrate from Outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland to Start a New Company in the United Kingdom? Are You Looking for the Fastest Route to British Settlement and Citizenship? Well, UK Innovator Visa might be the best fit for you. We can Assist you in Conceiving an Innovative Business Idea as well as Prepare a Robust UK Innovator Business Plan to Apply for the Mandatory Endorsement from One of the Approved Endorsing Bodies. A Successful Endorsement will 100% Guarantee a UK Visa If Your Other Paperwork is Accurate.

As an experienced, overseas entrepreneur from outside the EEA and Switzerland, you shall bring an innovative, viable, and scalable business Idea backed with robust UK Innovator Visa Business Plan to qualify for a visa.

Before applying for the visa, you must get your business idea endorsed by at least one of the Home Office-authorised endorsing bodies, which are UK-based incubators, accelerator, equity firm and other organisations with a proven track record of supporting UK entrepreneurs. Endorsing bodies will evaluate your UK Innovator Visa Business Plan to decide whether your business idea merits the endorsement.

We can help you with conceiving an innovative, viable and scalable business idea, write a robust UK Innovator Visa Business Plan and pick the right endorsing body to apply. We can also guide you about the endorsement requirements and make the endorsement application on your behalf. Contact us to find out more.

Key Suggestions for Business Idea

While conceiving a business idea, you shall ensure that it is in line with Home Office guidelines. Home Office has also granted a privilege to each endorsing body to set their own criteria for business idea assessment and endorsement. Hence, these requirements could vary from endorsing body to endorsing body.

As a general rule of thumb, the endorsing body will review your UK Innovator Visa Business Plan or Presentation and evaluate it against three major criteria, among other things. These are:


The applicant has a genuine, original UK Innovator Visa Business Plan that meets new or existing market needs and/or creates a competitive advantage.


The applicant has the necessary skills, knowledge, experience and market awareness to successfully run the business.


There is evidence of structured planning and of potential for job creation and growth into national and international markets.

For example, your UK Innovator Visa Business Plan should answer practical questions such as these:




Is the proposed business idea novel and creative? Is the idea bringing something new to the UK/global business market?

Is there an evident need for the offerings in the UK market that is not already being fulfilled? Will the business be targeting a potential untapped market niche?

Does the business have a clear action plan to raise seed capital and subsequent funding to launch and scale up its operations?

Does it solve any long-standing problems in the market and add convenience to the consumer’s routine life?

Is the business idea scalable? What is maximum expansion potential of the business?

Is the business expected to make a significant economic impact based on job creation, revenues and profits?

Does the company have an experienced, capable, and qualified founding/ management team at the helm? How well do they understand the business concept and its technical specifications?

Is the business clear about its promotional, marketing, and advertising strategies to create product/brand awareness?

Is the business’ financial projections realistic and achievable?

Please note that your UK Innovator Visa Business Plan or Presentation must also fulfil any other criteria stipulated by the endorsing body, in addition to the above. This may vary accordingly.

Ready to Get Started? Instruct Your Plan Now!

Engaging TOP Writers does not simply mean hiring a writing assistant or a quick typist who will just help you to draw up a general business plan. Rather, it is an opportunity to collaborate with seasoned business planners and strategists possessing more than a decade of experience to further understand your company, business model, business competitiveness and the industry/market, as well as obtain the best advice and hands-on assistance in setting up your business! Our written UK Innovator Visa Business Plan will not only discuss the salient aspects of your core offerings, business model, revenue streams, and financial projections but it will also focus on establishing commercial viability and emphasises the visa applicant’s role, capacity and capability to implement the planned business strategies in its entirety. Furthermore, we consider the current and most relevant market, economic and political conditions in the United Kingdom to advise the best strategies and assess severity of such events impact on start-ups and early stage businesses.

If you are an immigration solicitor specialising in handling Innovator Visa cases, we have a special package for you! Click here to find out more.

Layout of UK Innovator Visa Business Plan

Each standard UK Innovator Visa Business Plan we prepare will contain a 3-page Executive Summary of the company that allows the reviewer to gauge the essentials of your business quickly (including its Elevator Pitch, Vision & Mission, Market Opportunity, Financials, Objectives, and Critical Success Factors).

This is followed by 4 Chapters that will explore the Business Model & Operations, the Market/Industry Analysis & Competitive Strategies, Personnel & Hierarchy, 5-Year Financial Projections, and Scenario Analysis in ample detail, respectively. The attributes of Innovation, Viability, and Scalability will be discussed within this framework.

Alternatively, the template can be customised according to the guidance provided by the relevant Endorsing Body.

Your Requirements

Broadly speaking, there are two types of clients who engage and collaborate with us to prepare UK Innovator Visa Business Plan:

  1. Clients who have already carried out ample market research and basic planning work to validate their business idea in relation to innovation, viability, and scalability;
  2. Clients who possess a basic business idea absent proper research and planning. Hence, they seek assistance and expert advice from us to validate their business idea as well as optimise its innovation, viability and scalability to make it endorsable.

Regardless of the category you classify in, our Project Manager will carry out an initial consultation with you to specifically discuss your business idea, quality, and volume of information you can deliver to aid in the business plan preparation process. The scope of work will be set out in the next stage, and the price will be quoted to you accordingly. To know about further steps and the complete Business Plan Methodology, please click here.

Ready to Get Started? Instruct Your Plan Now!